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Unknown | 05:22 | 0 comments


Education is the process of teaching, training and learning, especially in schools to improve knowledge and develop skills. it has to do with the development of the intellect, skill acquisition and development, inducing discipline and inculcating good moral into an individual.
     “A desire for knowledge is the natural feeling of mankind,
and every human whose mind is not debauched
       will be willing to give all that he has in order to get education”.

Education is the training up of the mind and body to acquire knowledge and skills. It has to do with the development of the human intellect, skills acquisition gaining mastery and expertise in your chosen field of study. Education is the keys factor to unlocking your world of endless possibilities, acquiring and developing new skills, discovering your God-given natural gifts-unique potentials for creative expression, education helps in inducing discipline and inculcating morals into a person. it also helps in character molding, thus producing honest men and women and building a society that is transport.

Education is a companion which most misfortune can depress, no crime can destroy and no despotism can enslave .education in itself it an indispensable tool for turning big dreams and visions into concrete reality. It is designed to broaden the minds of those who are willing to learn and to increase their creativity.
Education in itself is not an end but a tool for success. Every human being is built up of potentials. Man in his uniqueness has potentials locked up in him. Education therefore is the key to unlocking those potentials and exposing you to your world of endless possibilities.

 Here are the needs for education


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