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Discovering Your Life's Purpose

Unknown | 03:59 | 0 comments


"to give life a meaning,
one must have purpose larger than oneself"
( will Durant )

        One key factor to achieving greatness, fulfilling your dreams and aspirations, and accomplishing great things is to fully discover your life's purpose and how to use it as tool for success. Every human being is endowed with unique potentials channeled towards his or her life calling.

Now watch this two children, they have a purpose of been to this place

                                               "Great minds have purposes,
                                     others have wishes" ( washington living )

        In the beginning, God created all things by giving commands. He said, "Let there be light", and there was light, But when it was time to create man, God said "Let us make man in our own image and likeness". Thus, God made man in his own image, breathed life into him and man became a 'living soul',
Man was placed over all creation. This therefore accounts to man's uniqueness and complexity among other creations. Man is built up of potentials channeled towards achieving a particular purpose in life. The greatest challenge in life is your ability to identify your life's purpose. How to get to your life's purpose
and how to use it as tool for success. Here is a person's life story.

        His desire to address this problem and come up with a solution stems from his personal experience. Although he knew his long and short term goals at various points in life; it took him many years to fully discover his life purpose and how to use it as a tool for success. From his childhood, he knew that he must love his work,
but as the years rolled by, he found himself unable to identify just what that he would be. Although he went to college after high school, he dropped out after two years

Owing to financial constraints. For two years, he drifted from job to job. Then, by what turned out to be a stroke of good luck, he came across a job advert requesting for the service of a clerk in a manufacturing company.
He applied and was hired. However, the nature of his job allowed him to move closely to discovering his life's purpose. Working as a clerk in the warehouse, he developed management skills and was eventually put in charge of the warehouse operation. To his surprise, he found himself working creatively with groups of people and learning
That leader does not need to be authoritarian. Before he knew it, he was discovering values-driven leadership. He was however always commended for his industriousness and creativity. He not only rose in position but also completed his college degree.
        Although he enjoyed his work with the company, he felt something was missing. While searching for new ideas, he started working for a master's degree in education administration. Unfortunately, during that time, his company filed for bankruptcy, thus shedding its workers. He spent some months looking for job which he also
Thought would be his life's work.
        Some months later, he landed a job as a teacher in a collage. He not only taught students, but also trained other instructors to teach. Now, he was getting closer to what he really wanted to do. For the first time he saw that classroom learning could be made relevant to the workplace. He later continued with his educational pursuits' In the university.
As he read and reflected, he gradually came to realize that he had found his life's purpose; it would be to help other people find theirs. Most people haven't thought much about what they love to do. As a result they find themselves doing jobs that they dislike. However, it is almost always possible, if you start early in life, to
Combine what you love to do with making a living. Many philosophers and other great thinkers believe that a person's life calling is usually whatever creates the highest level of joy. It's quite unfortunate that many people live their whole lives without ever finding their life's purpose. These people go to their graves with their dreams and aspirations unfulfilled

Sometimes you need to ask yourself; what is the true purpose of life?  “Now watch”

        Every human have in God-given natural inborn talents-unique potentials for creative expression. At birth, we have all we need to become all we can be. To achieve success, there is need for us to figure out how to make a living using our uniqueness, and how to connect who we are with what we do.

                                     "Success is a potential failure well managed and
                                          Failure is a potential success badly handled"
                                                        ( Broda Martins )

This diagram can tell you more on how to discover your life purpose:

Point To Consider

1.  Try to identify what matters to you; it will help your life's purpose.

2.  You need to have a clear vision of your life's purpose.

3.  You need to have a sense of direction

4.  Your life's purpose must be properly defined

5.  You need not worry about competition when you are living your life's purpose  ( Thomas     Herold )

6. Give zero tolerance to all impediments to your life's purpose.


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