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Need For Education

Unknown | 06:18 | 0 comments


Need for education, investment in education is a livelong investment which in turn will give you surplus returns. It is the bigger investment one can make in life. At birth, a child does not know anything; everything about the child is taken care of by the parent or guardian. As years roll by, the child begins to learn how to take care of himself; he also learns other values from his parents, guardian, relatives and his immediate environments. The child also begins to develop his skills. He also acquires other skills. As the child grows into an adult, he begins to utilize his skills and potentials as a tool for success. All these are brought about by education.

Every human is endowed with skills and potentials; man has all the resources he needs to attain greatness, and develops the intellect, broadens the mind and also increases one’s creative abilities. It helps you to get a clear vision of your lives’ purpose, thus, giving you an age over the uneducated person. Being educated helps you to soar high, far beyond the horizons of the ordinary, just to get to the extraordinary.

It is very unfortunate that most people live their whole lives without ever finding their life’s purpose, owing to the fact that they receive little or no education. This people only succeeded in living a life of tragedy. It has been right said that the worst tragedy on earth is not death but life without a purpose. These peoples go to their graves with their dreams and aspirations unfulfilled. Education there for is not preparation for life, education is life itself. It is a key factor to giving your life a meaning.                                                              


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